Areas We Serve Irrigation Services In New Cannan
New Cannan is a great place to live. Connecticut is right between two major metropolitan areas. It’s close to New York City on one end, and Boston on the other. Connecticut's quality of life consistently ranks among the top states in the country, thanks to our highly ranked schools, our low crime rates, our healthy population and so much more. We experience all four seasons, as one of the results, irrigation systems tend to have a different schedule than you might find in other areas of the country. Connecticut also has laws, and codes that that dictate how irrigation work is performed, and by who.
Keeping it Green
Irrigation work in New Cannan requires proper licensing, insurance, and building permits.
Contractors must ensure they have all required building permits from the local building permit department before any work can begin. This ensures that any work performed will be done to code and that any problems found by the building official will be corrected before the work is completed. Always make sure the contractor has the proper insurance in case of any accidents. Word of mouth is simply not enough. Verify that you and your property will be covered in case of any accidents that may happen during the contract work. A good contractor will offer information on guarantees and warranties, but is only good if they stand behind them. Consider getting written warranties from your contractor, and vetting the contractor's local image and reputation to verify they will stand behind the guarantees and warranties they are promising you.
For relevant applications and statutes, visit

At Dobson Irrigation, you can rest assured that we got you covered. We are fully licensed and insured, and offer warranties on all our work. Ask a Dobson representative if you need help verifying this information.

The Irrigation Leaders.
At Dobson Irrigation, you can rest assured that we got you covered. We are fully licensed and insured, and offer warranties on all our work. Ask a Dobson representative if you need help verifying this information.

In New Cannan, yearly winterizations need to be performed. While some systems may use a drain method, the majority of residential and commercial irrigation systems need to be winterized using the blow out method. While turning off the main controller, and turning off water at the main shut off valve will keep the irrigation from running, it doesn’t take care of any water still in your underground pipes. Most systems will have hundreds of feet of underground piping, sprinkler heads, valves, and other components you can’t see. As temperatures drop during the winter, you run the risk of any water inside these components expanding and damaging parts of your irrigation. Connecting a properly sized compressor and blowing out the water is the best way to protect your investment. For more information, visit our blogs page for some further info on winterizing.

At Dobson Irrigation, we have the proper tools, equipment, and training to ensure your irrigation is winterized correctly, saving you from potentially expensive repairs when the weather allows. Ask a Dobson representative for more information, and feel free to ask for a quote on winterizing your existing irrigation.